Monday 25 February 2013


In mid January I fell over and fractured my back.  I was in agony for some time and as I cannot take strong pain killers the pain was strong.  I took panadol every 4 hours but the relief was only minimal. Luckily the doc gave me codeine to take at night to ease the pain and help me sleep but as these are addictive I am watching how long I take them for.  I could only sleep in my lazy boy chair with a hot water bottle at my back and the side door open to keep me cool.  Rather a strange mix.
I am now on the mend and am going back to work next Monday for three hours a day for two weeks.  Sitting at a computer is not comfortable so it will be interesting and driving a car or a passenger is equally not comfortable!

Oscar has been great company for me during this time,  He just stays around and sleeps with me.  When Pete gets home he takes him for a walk which he just loves.  We took Oscar to the beach a few weeks ago and Pete took him for a walk.  They went in the water but not very far.  Oscar was not keen on the waves nor the taste.  On Sunday we took him to the river and he got wet up to his belly.  He looks so grown up now as he has had another hair cut and looks like a big dog now.  He does not look so scruffy.  He had a bath prior to going to the groomer and did not like getting wet at all but he will just have to get used to it. He can now sit and stay for a short while.  We are working on the stay command. 

I am doing a very little sewing at the moment making two quilts but can only work on them for a few minutes at a time.  Housework is being done by a very kind next door neighbour who visits every day/  She prepares meals for me, changes the bed, hangs out the washing and does the vaccuming which is lovely.

Friday 1 February 2013

February 2013

The weather here is terrific. So hot - 30 + every day in fact some days it is just too hot to do any work  PJ said one day at work outside the garage was 40 degrees. There is very little wind which makes a change.

I am fed up.  I am sick of reading and watching tv but there is not much lose to do.  I am not allowed to do much else.  Such fun! I am sitting and sleeping in my lazy boy chair with a hot water bottle on my back. Boring. Still only 26 more days to go. I hope.  ACC are giving me grief as the accident I claimed could not have broken my back so thy will not pay my wages.  I have to back to doc ( more money) on Monday and lay another claim for the accident where I fell over on to m back and hopefully they will pay me otherwise panic..... Puppy has found he can jump into my chair now and loves to lie there with the hot water bottle. I have to tempt him out to get in.  He can jump onto the couch and gets up there sometimes.  He can nearly jump on the bed so nowhere is sacred now.

Pete is out getting fire wood for the winter.  This will provide heating for the winter.  The woodshed is empty so we are getting organised early.

We went to the beach with ice creams and Pete took Oscar for a walk.  Unfortunately he got caught by a wave and got drenched.  He was not happy. We came home and tried to get him under the sprinkler but no he was having none of that.  After while he got a little braver and tried  to eat the sprinkler just like Jodi used to.

Saturday 5 January 2013

New Year

The new year has begun with joy and happiness.  Our little fellow is just delightful.  He is very social and loving.  He just loves Emily. Emily shared his bath last week.  She got into his bath fully dressed at about 6.30 pm.  Unfortunately her parents had gone out for a while and all her clothes were in the back of the car.  She had a long hot bath!  Oscar is not so keen on the bath yet.

Last night we took him to the beach and introduced him to the sea!  He was not too keen.  I remember Zoe's first intro to the beach and she did not like the water.  Jody soon showed her the way and before long she was surfing the waves so we will have to hope that Oscar gets to like the water better.

PJ has nearly completed the front fence. It looks great.  It will be good to be able to put a cat door in the back door so Oscar can go in and out as he pleases.  The cats will be happy too as we will be able to open up the cat door in the garage so they can have full access to the property.  I will probably curse the gates once I start work again.  It would be lovely to have a remote gate opener!  Maybe Santa will devise one for me for next year!  Yeah Right

Oscar has had a big dog haircut.  He no longer has a puppy clip.  He looks so funny after the puppy clip.  His hair is very thick and the groomer took off about 3 inches.  He has now changed colour slightly.  He has lost a lot of his brindle coat and the under coat is much lighter.  In some parts he is nearly white.  He still has his black beard but next time I will get his face more closely cut to show off his black beard, It is taking a while to get used to.

Pete has been cutting down a huge tree at the back.  He has cut down half of it and it is surprising how much light is now on my clothes line and back yard.  It has let more wind in but you can't have everything.  The tree is in the next door neighbour's garden but they are happy for him to attack it. We are going to ask the other neighbour if we can trim down her two trees right on the boundary line.  They are very large!  The fence is on hold at the moment but hopefully it will be on the go again this weekend.  We need it finished before I go back to school.

Ever wondered why some mornings fall to custard and you wonder why you ever got out of bed?  Well today has been one of those.  I got up early as Grandma had to go to WINZ by 9.00 and she asked me to drive her.  I had a nail filing booked after that.  I have been growing my nails longer so that I can paint them.  I had broken two nails off short. The girl cut my nails really short this time so that they would all grow evenly. I usually leave them longer.  I forgot to tell her where to cut them.  Bother now have to wait for about a month until the next manicure.  Just when I thought I had cracked this nail saga. From there I came home intending to sew.  Then a friend rang to say he was on his way for a visit.  He arrived and stayed for about two hours.  Then i decided to stew some plums that Pete had brought home.  I spent some time trying to find a recipe to remind me what I used to do - couldn't find one and so just washed the plums and put them with a little water and sugar on to boil.  They took an age to come to the boil so I thought that I would do some sewing while I waited.  Bad decision.  I got so involved in my sewing that I forgot about them. I finally went into the kitchen to find plum syrup up the walls,on the floor, down the cupboard doors and all over the stove.  What a mess.  I spent the next hour cleaning up the mess. The only good thing was that the pot had not boiled dry but still took a while to clean it.  I haven't even tried the plums yet.  Oh dear such is life.